Taking steps towards filling the gaps that exist between the people/community and the services through integrated and holistic approach of intervention. Create an environment where everyone can play the role and participate towards for the promotion of optimum sustainable development.
Centre for Community Development through Network, Education, Research, Training, Resource mobilisation and Capacity Building (Cod Nerc) was established by Professional social workers who passed out their Master degree in Social Work in 2005 from Mizoram University. It has been founded with clear sound and mind driven social work ethic not situational driven but it is driven by an endeavor to help the needy people with respect and uphold the dignity of others. To pay full fledge of their abilities and capacity for the needy, hold their conviction by joining hands together with a strong, positive thinking attitude and wholeheartedly solemnized to re- organized this society on 4th August 2005 which was already registered on 10th July 1992 in the name of Peniel Mission Society (PMS) having Registration Number: SR-MZ/109 0f 1992 under Societies Registration Act 1860-NGO. The main motive which drives the founders were to take steps towards the promotion of NGO movement in the state of Mizoram and acting as a catalyst to collaborate with other agencies both Government as well as semi government, state level agencies, national agencies, international agencies etc to fruitfully enhance their services towards the development of the society. Basically, working at grass root level and reaching the horizontal reality of the community. It gives values to experience gained by the community; each and every intervention it delivers are explore from the community. It has a strong & vibrant team work with proper governance system, promptness in responsibility. It also focuses on the development of the community through uplifting and empowerment while maintaining equality and justice. The organization has been organizing various skill development trainings among both rural and urban youths who lack access to information and communication method. They also work on public health and educating women on rights and possible skill development in collaboration with various implementing partners. Cod Nerc is committed to strengthening culture and identifying steps to skill building even more inclusive work environment. The name implies the characteristic of its versatility to response to the dynamic human needs, driven by contextual need face by a community/society, prioritizes the emergent needs of the people and trying to contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). It delivers services in consultation with the people, gives emphasis on people led intervention and gives importance to sustainable development. Besides its head office in Aizawl the organisation has 2 Branch office: 1. Thenzawl Town under Serchhip District 2. Khawzawl Town under Champhai District. Vision: It visualizes a society where every human being has freedom, equal opportunity and dignity and participate without any discrimination based on caste, class, creed, colour, religion and gender for optimum sustainable development through integrated and holistic approach. Believes: Equality, Justice and Dignity, Non-Judgemental and Non-discrimination. Objective: Empower the people and impart a feeling of ownership towards their well-being and welfare so that the people themselves could take initiative to maintain their overall living condition. Mission: 1. Taking steps towards filling the gaps that exist between the people/community and the services through integrated and holistic approach of intervention. 2. Create an environment where everyone can play the role and participate towards for the promotion of optimum sustainable development.
Vice Chairman
General Secretary