One precious year has passed and another awaits. I am grateful to almighty God for giving me an opportunity to work with such an amazing colleague and carry on the Vision and Mission of the organization. Cod Nerc since its inception follow its vision as the guiding principle and all our activities are for the fulfilment of our missions and believes. The organization has been functioning for 19 years, not only surviving but also strives for growth to help the vulnerable section of the society. During the past years, we are able to make an impact to the people through – Livelihood Promotional Activities, Health, Women Empowerment, Farm base activity and Farmers Welfare, Skill building, response to disaster etc. in rural as well as urban areas. We acknowledge that our contribution is small and cannot change the life of the people overnight, but slowly and steadily we can develop the community in a larger way. I feel the privilege to say that, during the past years Cod Nerc in collaboration with various well- wishers contributed services to providing the humanitarian aid in different parts of the state. It is our conviction to be an agent of change to serve the people by linking with funders, philanthropist, well- wisher who are untiringly empathizing to help someone’s in need. Cod Nerc has been effectively utilizing the services available from different sources from Government and Non-Governmental Development Agencies at the same time by working in the ground level. We cannot thank enough to our well-wisher and compassionate donors for providing us the chance to make changes in the life of the vulnerable people and we invite you to work with us in the near future. Let us all be a helping hand and work with the people so that they could help themselves.



i. Targeted Intervention (TI) Thenzawl ii. Targeted Intervention (TI) Khawzawl

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a. Solar Project: Solar Mama (Solar engineer) b. Integrated Tribal Development Fund (TDF) Project

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Need Based Intervention

a) Skill Development training on Baking b) Relief Distribution to Internally Displaced People (IDP) and Displaced People from Myanmar in Mizoram c) Impulse NGO Network & Cod Nerc Humanitarian Relief in Myanmar

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Building a society where every human being has freedom, equal opportunity and dignity and participate without any discrimination based on caste, class, creed, color, religion and gender for optimum sustainable development through integrated and holistic approach


Equality, Justice, Dignity, Non-Judgmental and Non-discrimination. Empower the people and impart a feeling of ownership towards their well-being and welfare so that the people themselves could take initiative to maintain their overall living condition.


Taking steps towards filling the gaps that exist between the people/community and the services through integrated and holistic approach of intervention. Create an environment where everyone can play the role and participate towards for the promotion of optimum sustainable development.

Project Partners

National Bank for Agriculture and rural Development (NABARD)

Mizoram State Aids Control Society (MSACS)

Paul Hamlin foundation (PHF)

Bread for the World (BftW)

Small Industries Development Bank of India (Sidbi)

Barefoot College International (BCI)/Bindi International (BI)

SELCO Foundation