a. Solar Project: Solar Mama (Solar engineer)
Solar Mama Project is implemented in collaboration with Barefoot College International (BCI) Rajasthan since November 2021. This Project aims on promoting sustainable development with a focus on rural communities, by providing solar powered equipment i.e. Home Lighting System. A total of 250 households are covered under this Project, 50 household per village. Till date, 6 women have undergone training at Barefoot College International (now Bindi International) for 5 months training at Tilonia, Rajasthan who now continue with the solar equipment selling business.
b. Integrated Tribal Development Fund (TDF) Project
Tribal Development Fund Project was implemented since the year 2022 with the support of NABARD covering 200 farmers; 160 for orchard and 40 for piggery. Under this Project the farmers received the following horticulture saplings. For the 2nd batch, it began in the beginning of 2024 with 80 farmers.
Litchi saplings – 80 nos
Red Lady Papaya – 85 nos
King chilli – 300 nos
The plantation material distributed to the farmers are as under:
Fertilizer such as Vermi compost, NPK.
Water Resource Development
Irrigation pipe
Slake lime to increase the pH of the soil
FIG: 200 meters (15mm) irrigation pipe and (24x18ft) tarpaulin are distributed among the orchard farmers
raining on wadi development and soil conservation.
Followings are the positive impact to the farmers after implementation of the Project:
Dug out pond to each farmer are introduced as most of the crops are rain fed.
Practice and use of organic fertilizer
Half-moon terracing is practice to minimize surface runoffs of nutrient soil and recharge deeper soil strata during the dry season.
Mulching is also practice to retain the moisture content of the soil.